Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My first clubbing experience ever (Friday, September 24th)

I know I have this titled as happening friday, but it technically encompassed Friday night and Saturday morning. I really debated posting a post about this because it kind of ended a little embarassingly to say the least, but the whole experienced showed why it is so important to go out drinking with people you trust, which I did.

My friend Shannon finally got her financial aid money and wanted to celebrate so we decided to go out to a club. I had never been to a club, even in America, so it was a whole new experience for me. Shannon helped me get ready. I wore fairly modest yet dressy attire, and we headed out.

We went to Hirakatashi eki (Hirakata City Station), and met up with a few friends to head out. We were a little late because Sachi, who was leading us to the club was a tad late, but it was no problem at all. We rode the train to Kyobashi and then switched to the JR line to head to Namba. As we were walking to the club from the Namba station I ended up kicked in the shin and slapped in the face by accident. One of our other friends with us was gesturing where something was when she brought her hand back and I was behind her and got smacked. It wasn't too hard just caugh me off guard really bad. Then I stood too close behind her as we headed down some stairs so her foot came back and hit my shin.

From there we walked to Club Pure. It was actually kinda snazzy, but the whole environment was totally overwhelming for me. There were even pole dancers which totally caught me off guard. I have no idea what clubbing is like back home, but this was an experience all its own. Also on a side note we caught the last train there so we had to stay until trains started back up at 5:00am (hence why this encompassed friday and saturday somewhat).

We all drank quite a bit but I watched myself. I got pretty drunk but I always made sure I could still focus and still maintain direction and still tell off guys I wanted nothing to do with. Randomly out of no where some Japanese chick walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek, grinned real big and walked away leaving me standing there confused and surprised out of my mind. Then a few minutes later she walked back up, motioned like she wanted to say something to me. When I turned to look to see what was going on I got made out with. I was terribly confused to say the least. I am a fairly modest person in general. This totally caught me off guard and i was stuck standing there probably very goofy looking like a deer in the headlights.

The rest of the night for me went on pretty much without incident. I won't comment on my friend's experiences since that is there business if they want to share that information with others.

After we left the club we went to a small Denny's style restaurant to chill out until the trains started running again. I was feeling awesome. I was somewhat goofy but otherwise good. This great feeling would have continued if not for anyone aware of my tobacco/smoke sensitivity (I stress sensitivity because I can stand it just not if I am totally engulfed in it or if I am handling it for an extended period of time, like at a tobacco register).

If a few people are smoking around me in a big room I have no problems. This restaurant however was filled with smoke, a fact my drunk mind didn't realize until I sat down and the smoke hit my nose and I breathed in. I instantly felt a lurch in my stomach and knew what was coming. I jumped up and made it into the bathroom, opened the stall and then before I could get to the toilet you can guess what happened. I cleaned up my mess because I don't believe in making others clean up my mess especially one that gross.

I went back out, but forgot about the intial cause of my ill feeling. Once I sat at the table, and was back in the smoke, I felt uneasy but not necessarily sick to my stomach so I sat there with my ehad on the table for a few minutes, lifting my head occassionally to comment on the conversation of my commrades.

However, I was so glad Sachi and Shannon were there. If it wasn't for the fact that those 2 people I knew I could trust were there I wouldn't have drank at all because about 10 minutes after I sat down Shannon turned towards me to say something and my head went to the side of the table and I got sick again all over her leg and the floor. I felt so terrible and embarassed I began to cry and was afraid to sit or stand up, but Sachi calmly comforted me, helped me up and to the bathroom and even helped clean me up.

When we returned everyone at out table, except Shannon and 2 guys who were hanging with us, had left saying they couldn't deal with the fact that I had gotten sick. It isn't like I meant to and I would have been great had it not been for my smoke/tobacco sensitivity. Shannon, Sachi and the 2 guys were very calm about it and understanding. I was so glad I was with people who cared enough to not abandone me in my time of need.

We hung out for a little longer, my stomach now too empty to get sick again at this point. We chilled out for probably another 20 minutes before heading out. The two guys helped make sure we got to the train station and on the right train to go back home, Sachi got off at a different stop because she stays with a homestay family.

Me and Shannon caught a bus back to Seminar House 3 where we cleaned up and went to bed. I will never forget how kind her and Sachi were to me during a tough first attempt at going to a club and I hope my experience highlights to others just how important it is to make sure you travel with people you trust when you go out drinking. Have fun if you go abroad its a new place where you can try new things, but be safe.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Class Schedule at Kansai Gaidai

Times in () are U.S.A. central time zone (-6:00 GMT).


  • 11:00 to 11:50 am (9:00 to 9:50 pm ) --- Spoken Japanese (1D)
  • 12:00 to 12:50 pm ( 10:00 - 10:50 pm ) --- Reading/Writing Japanese (1B)


  • 11:00 to 11:50 am (9:00 - 9:50 pm ) Reading/Writing Japanese
  • 12:00 to 12:50 pm ( 10:00 - 10:50 pm ) --- Spoken Japanese
  • 01:15 to 02:45 pm ( 11:15 pm - 12:45 am ) --- Religions in Japan


  • 11:00 to 11:50 am (9:00 - 9:50 pm ) --- Spoken Japanese
  • 04:40 to 06:15 pm ( 2:40 - 4:15 am ) --- Anime Method and Meaning


  • 09:00 to 09:50 am ( 7:00 - 7:50 pm ) --- Reading and Writing Japanese
  • 10:00 to 10:50 am ( 8:00 - 8:50 pm ) --- Spoken Japanese
  • 01:15 to 02:45 pm ( 11:15 pm - 12:45 am ) --- Religions in Japan


  • 12:00 to 12:50 pm ( 10:00 - 10:50 pm ) --- Spoken Japanese
  • 04:40 to 06:15 pm ( 2:40 - 4:15 am ) --- Anime: Method and Meaning

Hopefully with the addition of the Central Time zone times from back home my friends will better understand why it is a pain for me to be online at the same time as them. Also I just love my class schedule and wanted to share with all my friends back home what kinds of classes I have been taking this semester.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My adventure to Umeda

So today I was going to go out for a few drinks with this really sugoi Japanese guy I met around 7:30pm. I woke up around 9am, but relaxed until about 1:30pm because I had studied late the night before while doing laundry. Around 1:30pm I got up and decided that I would take a trip to Umeda by myself just out of nowhere.

So I got dressed, asked some of my room mates about the trains and then went on my way to Umeda. I caught a bus at the Katahoko-chou bus stop and rode to Hirakatashi eki (station). From there I rode a bus to Kyobashi. At Kyobashi I switched from the Keihan line to the JR line and rode it the rest of the way to Umeda.

When I was on the Osaka loop I accidentally got on going in the wrong direction so instead of just having to wait 2 stops I had to wait about 10 stops. It was okay. I got where I wanted to go and then wandered the streets of Umeda for a few hours until I found the Pokemon center. It is so good to have room mates' phone numbers because I was able to get a basic idea of where I needed to go. The Pokemon Center was awesome.

I bought some random little items, including a black hoodie. Then I grabbed a Japanese copy of Pokemon Black. It is so cool. I can practice translating it as I play it. Anyhow as it approached 5:00pm I headed back to the Umeda station and annoyingly found out that there was an exit from the station to the street 3 streets closer than where exited at.

I made my way back to the Kyobashi station where I was able to catch a rapid express train (no extra cost thankfully) back to Hirakatashi eki. I then went back to Seminar house to drop off all of my souveneirs I bought in Umeda and got dressed up to go meet Daisuke. I was a little late meeting him, which I felt very bad about. I usually prefer to be early, but I took too long getting ready.

I got there and I met up with him and his friend Saori in front of Starbucks. It was so much fun. I am always so shy, but they were so nice it really helped a lot. I hope I can spend more time with them, and all the other wonderful friends I have made here in Japan.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My night out drinking (yes I went out drinking, that was the awesome way I spent a night in japan)

So today (Friday, September 17th), yeah i know im technically posting this on saturday but I just got done walking home partially drunk so give me a break, was a normal day for the most part. I slept/laid lazily in bed until 10am, got up got ready and dressed and left for my noon class around 11:15am.

I went to my speaking japanese class and did pretty good in there though I found out from my campus mail box that I got a 15/20 on the Hiragana test in my Reading/Writing Japanese class. I went back to my seminar house and then went shopping and chilled out back at seminar house eating rice and chicken for lunch. I then laid lazily about after studying for a bit until about 3:15pm when I left for my 4:40pm - 6:10pm class.

When I got to campus I checked my school mail box again and found out my bank card and checkbook had come in so after my Anime: Method and Meaning class I went and grabbed that before heading back to the seminar house.

I chilled out there and chatted with my best seminar house friend Shannon and her Japanese friend (not gonna type the name because I can't remember it right off), and then with Dana. Dana went out to drink with a few other people. We were going to try to join her but we ended up all going out to drink with Shanon's Japanese friend and her other friend Sachi at an all you can drink place for 2 hours (2 hours for like $9 and then we ordered extra food so all together we ended up each spending about $12 each for around 4 - 5 drinks each and food). I had 5 drinks myself. ^_^

Shanon's Japanese friend had to head out a little bit before Shanon, Sachi and I had to. It wasn't long after that we left too though. Sachi caught a bus so she could get to the train station to catch a ride home to her home stay family. Shanon and I walked back to seminar house tipsy as can be. It was so much fun. I am starting to become a much more outgoing person and I am so happy that is occuring. I want to be a much more outgoing individual and have a lot more confidence than I currently have.

Anyhow I am going to get off here, it is around 12:09 am on Saturday and I have a Kyoto trip today. Buh bye everyone.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Exploring Hirakatashi-eki (station) (Wednesday, September 8th)

Today I got out of my first class (Spoken Japanese) and stopped by Seattle's Best for a nice croissant to munch on and then after about 30 minutes I got a McDonald's hamburger and a vanilla shake while sitting and chatting with my friends Amanda and Matt.

After a bit I had to decide what to do. Matt was going off somewhere and Amanda had to go to her next class. I was sitting there at a little after 13:00 with nothing to do. I decided to explore a little on my own. Up until this point I have been beyond nervous about trying to go anywhere on my own though I plan trying to go up to Kyoto and then possibly Tokyo on my own by the end of October. I went to the main gate, crossed the street and waited at the bus stop thinking to myself I have already done this twice, the only difference is now I am totally on my own.

The bus came and I got on carrying my trusty travel guide the school put in out seminar house booklets showing which stops led to and from the school. The ride to the station was probably less than 10 minutes, or at least didn't feel all that long if it was longer.

Up on arriving at the station I took out my 220 yen and dropped it in the little coin acceptor on the bus and departed for a little wandering in the actual main part of Hirakata. It mostly consisted of me staring up at the tall buildings in amazement of the fact that I am truly in Japan, even if it is the college town equivalent in Japan.

I wandered into a store called Kiddieland where I was able to find some really cute gifts for friends back home and a neat Totoro planner for myself (doesn't start til this December but it beats any planner I could find back home by a long shot, plus its freaking Totoro by Miyazaki).

I wandered out and decided to check out the Japanese KFC down the street. It wasn't real KFC by a long shot. I mean the chicken was the same pretty much but no mashed potatoes and gravy, instead they had french fries. I mean french fries to chicken just doesn't seem right. They had this thing that looked like mashed potatoes but I found out it was some ice cream thing with caramel sauce or something else on it. This was actually interesting on its own because the cashier spoke no english so I had to order all my food by pointing, nodding, shaking my head and saying hi (yes) or iie (no).

I then made my way across the street again to Tatsuya; a book, dvd, cd, manga, etc entertainment store; where I wandered aimlessly for awhile and ended up buying a Japanese copy of "The Hungry Caterpillar", which I'm sure many people can remember reading as a child.

I had to depart shortly afterwards to head back to campus for my second class at around 15:20. I wandered back over to the station and made my way to the departing side where my bus would arrive. I was even able to figure out the bus schedule posted to see when my bus would arrive, reminding myself that 12 or 13 would get me back to the campus.

My bus got there around 15:25 - 15:30 and I boarded again and headed back to campus. I was proud of myself. It may not seem like much but for me this first trip out by myself let me know that I am ready to try to go further on my own. I plan on going to Kyoto by myself probably the week after next when we have one of our long weekends.

Oh and for those of you curious my second/last class of the day today was my Anime: Method and Meaning class. In this class I found out if I just tell my teacher what I want to look for to visit he can help me find it and figure out how to get there. He even told us how to go to Tokyo for 5,000 yen (a lil more than $50) round trip. This is actually really damn good considering a trip to Tokyo can cost you over $80 one way if you take the speed rail. Yea the 5000 yen way may be a lil slower, but you save enough money that you can actually do something once you get there rather than using all your money on traveling to and from.

Anyhow after my last class I attended an orientation for a friend festival being held this saturday and yesterday I signed up to go bowling with some students this friday so I have a busy week/weekend ahead of me this week, which is just how I love it. After all I am not just here to sit in my dorm all day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alien and Bike Registration day (Monday, September 6th, 2010)

So today I had a little adventure with the bus system. I left for campus all on my own this morning around 9:00 to handle bicycle registration. I also tried searching for my pair of glasses I lost but they haven't turned up yet. Things usually turn up around here, but the CIE staff said that maybe since I lost them at the end of the week last week the cleaning staff may have just not turned them in yet. I'm going to check again tomorrow.

After all that I sat outside CIE to wait for Matt and Amanda so we could all go to Alien registration together. They were a little late, but it didn't matter because none of us had anything schedule wise to worry about. We got a small snack and then headed back to Seminar House 4 so they could get their pictures they had accidentally forgotten.

Then we hopped on a bus and went to Hirakata Station (Hirakata-shi eki). Once we arrived at the station we turned the map around in different directions until we decided where we needed to head to get to the city hall. We did pretty good and it only was a 3 minute walk or so to go from the station to the Hirakata City Hall. The whole process was short and simple.

After that we walked around the station for a few minutes and visited a little store called Kiddie Land that had all sorts of awesome Disney, Hello Kity and other adorable character stuff. Then we caught the bus back. They got off at the actual campus stop, but I decided to take my chances and try making my way to the actual Seminar House 1-3 stop. It was so easy. I felt very accomplished that I was able to traverse the Keihan line on my own with success.

I feel like I could easily make my way about town now without someone to help me. Next challenge shall be to make it around Kyoto on my own. Anyhow that is it for today. Tomorrow my actual classes start. I have Japanese reading/writing followed by spoken Japanese in the morning from 11:00 - 12:50.

Then from 13:15 to 14:45 I have Religion in Japan. After that I am done for the day again. ^_^
Sadly haven't heard about my speaking partner yet, but I should tomorrow because I believe that is the last day for speaking partner notification.